The Flexible Baker

Monday, June 26, 2006



Bread FundementalsTopic 2:
Identify raw ingredients Session 3:

Bread ImproverDuring this topic you will identifiing the function of bread improvers in the production of bread dough. You will research the composition of the product as well as gaining an understanding of the correct formulas when utilising the ingredient.

Go to module overview of baking operation and print out 1.5 Identify raw ingredients used in the baking process. Go to page 5 and read Bread improvers.

Answer direct questioning to blog and activity on bread improvers

Listen to this sessions instructions

Go to this Bakers Delight reading for information on bread improvers

Open your module notes and read page 105 - 118 for more info about bread improvers. Complete self test questions.

Open this hot potato for revision. What score did you get?

Watch this photostory and record your answers on your blog for revision, don't move onto the next session unless completed if you have any problems please email Gary

Go to flickr and add your comments about each of the bread improvers

More reading for you, you might find this interesting

A good Bread Improver article

Go to this game and use for revision. Record your score on your blog.

Watch this film for an overview of the topic